Thursday 25 July 2013


For years I have hardly seen any sparrows but yesterday in the garden there were loads!
I believe they were house Sparrows and they appear to love dried meal worms!

I put the pictures together to make a slide show.

They move so quickly. I think a lot of them are blurred but it still makes a good sequence.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Swallowtail Butterfly

After a 5 hour (one way) trip and a few days in Norflok I finally found what I was looking for.

Swallowtail Butterflies!  They're hard to find, even if you do know where they might be.

Being butterflies they are cold blooded and so need the sun to warm up.

They are well worth looking for though.

A link to the BBC website with a short clip on the English Swallowtail Butterfly